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Showing posts with the label startup

About Medial

  Only Buziness About medial :- Medial is a professional social media platform  Where everyone discuss  about their ideas and  Their experience  in cooperative world . It creates a startup  environment  where everyone can learn something  about business It was founded by Niket  raj Dwivedi,Aishwarya Raj pandey , Prateek kaien, harsh Dwivedi, there is something interesting  with this guys Their will interact with you, even if you say anything as suggestion,  they will take it in a positive  way,it is the very good quality of a  founder should  have in there starting  days   The service they provide :- Day-to-Day news about startups  And fund raised by the startup  and etc   They  even conduct the programmer  for better interaction  Recently they did a collaboration  with the Vc funding company and medial is their official platform this platform  helped a lot of ent...